Internet Services

High speed bandwidth for any application

Virtual Lines offers a full suite of state-of-the-art communications and networking products and services for businesses customers, and guarantees the most competitive rates and the latest technology in the industry. Our teams of engineers are experts at innovatively combining these products and services to best handle the often-complex networking and telecommunications needs of growing companies.

Metro E Fiber

Metro Ethernet is essentially the use of carrier Ethernet technology in a metropolitan area that connects subscribers and businesses to a wide area network (WAN) and the Internet, or connects branch offices to an Intranet.

The most widely installed local area network (LAN) technology, Ethernet itself is designed to support high bandwidths with fine granularity and functions as a family of frame-based computer networking technologies for LANs. Ethernet stations are able to communicate by the sending of individual blocks of data, or data packets. Each Ethernet station receives a MAC address, which specifies both the destination and the source of each data packet. Prevalent in corporate and residential networks, Ethernet-based access networks are cost-effective and easy to implement into a customer network, thus driving its ubiquity.


T-1 Services

T1 connections (also referred to as DIA, DS-1) are available in 3 different options: data only, voice only, or an integrated voice and data T1 service. A single T1 internet connection offers guaranteed symmetrical Internet speeds of 1.54Mbps, while bonded T1 connection options offer symmetrical speeds up to 12Mbps.

T1 connection is a dedicated circuit to an end user’s location. Unlike cable or DSL, the line is not shared with other users. This allows T1 internet providers to guarantee connection speeds, reliability, and latency on the T1 circuit. A T1 service is a great option for small to midsize businesses or even a home office environment. Virtual Lines currently provides T1 service in the 50 US states.